Urologic Care in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Urology is a surgical specialty that focuses on the evaluation and treatment of the male and female urinary system and the male reproductive system. Though not all urologic conditions require surgery, our physicians are skilled medical specialists in both the operating room and the clinic exam room.
Our providers will review your medical history, recommend testing if necessary, diagnose your urological condition and work with you on a treatment plan.
Our will provide you with basic information to assist you in having an open and comfortable conversation with your healthcare team. Please click one of the options from the menu on the left to learn more about general urological conditions.
What is Urology?
Urology is a surgical branch of medicine that focuses on the function and disorders of the genitourinary tract – the urinary tract in men and women and the reproductive system in men.
What Organs are Included in Urology?
Kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra and the male reproductive organs.
The conditions treated include, but are not limited to, overactive bladder, incontinence, erectile dysfunction and urological cancers. We invite you to explore the options on the left for more information.
Kidney or ureteral stones are a common, often painful, condition caused by materials in the urine that do not dissolve as they should and instead form crystals. These crystals may lead to the development of stones or stone disease. Diagnosis of kidney stones may include blood tests, urinalysis, imaging tests such as CT and, if necessary, analysis of the stone itself.
Most stones do not require surgical treatment, however it is possible that your stone will require surgical intervention.
Learn More About Kidney Stones
For additional information, please:
Learn more about “Preventing and Treating Kidney Stones”
Visit the Urology Care Foundation
Known as OAB, overactive bladder affects both males and females. In fact, millions of Americans experience OAB symptoms including leakage, intense urges to urinate and going to the bathroom too often. There are many possible causes for OAB including dietary irritants and certain medications.
The good news is that there are several treatment options to help you manage OAB. You do not need to ignore OAB or just quietly hope that it goes away. Talk to your doctor about an OAB treatment plan.
For additional information, please visit the Urology Care Foundation.
Neurogenic bladder refers to a number of urinary conditions that affect both men and women. When the nerves and muscles that control how the urinary bladder stores or empties urine do not function properly, it is referred to as neurogenic bladder.
Several problems can occur due to neurogenic bladder. They include:
- Urinary retention – the muscles that hold in urine do not receive the message that it is time to empty
- Urinary leakage – leakage also occurs because the muscles holding in urine do not receive the right message
- Bladder or ureter infections – result from urine that is held in too long before elimination
You can find more information about neurogenic bladder by visit the Urology Care Foundation.
A fact sheet is also available.
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a substance produced by the prostate gland. With trauma, inflammation or prostate disease, there may be great amounts of PSA in a man’s blood stream. An elevated PSA level is an important marker of many prostate diseases included benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostatitis and prostate cancer.
Digital Rectal Exam (DRE)
During a DRE, your healthcare provider puts a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum. He or she will feel the prostate for abnormal thickness or shape. The DRE is a useful tool to help providers diagnose prostate problems.
Learn More About Prostate Cancer
For more information, please visit the Urology Care Foundation.
Prostatitis is an inflammation and swelling of the prostate characterized by symptoms including painful and/or frequent urination. Prostatitis can indicate an infection of the prostate, but that is not always the case. It is estimated that 10% of men will experience prostatitis in their lifetime. It may be acute (rare) or chronic (more common).
The way your medical provider treats prostatitis depends on the underlying cause. For more information, please visit the Urology Care Foundation.
Hematuria is the medical name for the presence of blood cells in the urine. Gross Hematuria means that there is blood in the urine that is visible to the naked eye. Microscopic Hematuria means that blood in the urine can only be detected through lab testing.
There are many possible causes for hematuria. Diagnosis will begin with urinalysis. If the cause is not clear, further testing may be necessary. While hematuria does not always indicate a serious underlying medical condition, it should never be ignored.
For more information, please visit the Urology Care Foundation.
BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) – Enlarged Prostate
BPH is a common urological condition faced by men due to the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate throughout a man’s life. For more information, visit the Urology Care Foundation.
Incontinence is an involuntary, accidental loss of urine by both men and women. For more information, visit the Urology Care Foundation.
Special Treatment for Incontinence
Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
UTIs are common and account for millions of visits to the doctor each year. It is estimated that 40% of women and 12% of men will deal with a UTI at least once in their lifetime. Visit these resources for additional information.
The urinary tract makes and stores urine which is a form of waste produced by the body. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are caused by bacteria in the urinary tract. Infections of the urinary tract are common and result in an estimated 8 million visits to the doctor each year.
Testing of a urine sample will be the first step in diagnosing a UTI. The most common treatment of a UTI is antibiotic treatment.
To learn more about UTIs, please visit the Urology Care Foundation.
You may also read the Urology Health article titled “Urinary Tract Infections: Learn How to Spot and Treat Them.”
Testing may be necessary as part of your urological work up and the diagnostic process. Tests may include:
A biopsy is used to diagnose a medial condition and can be obtained by removing a small amount of tissue with a special tool. This sample is then sent to a special lab for examination by a pathologist. The pathologist’s report helps your healthcare provider treat your condition properly.
CT Scan
Otherwise known as a CAT scan, a CT scan is computer axial tomography. CT is used commonly as a diagnostic tool in urology. Urology Specialists is proud to operate its own CT department. Our CT department is accredited by the American College of Radiology (ACR) which conducts a rigorous exam of our CT staff, procedures and equipment. You are invited to ask your CT tech questions as well as read more information about the CT process through these helpful links.
ACR Patient Information
ACR Patient Rights
Urology Care Foundation
A cystoscopy (cystourethroscopy or commonly called “cysto”) is a procedure that allows your urologist to look inside your bladder and urethra. Please visit MedlinePlus for more detailed information.
Urine Cytology
This test is done to examine your urine for cancer cells. It is done through a painless “clean catch” urine sample which is then processed in the lab.
Ultrasound Imaging/Post-Void Residual
Used as a diagnostic tool, ultrasound is painless and requires little preparation. In urology, ultrasound imaging can be used to scan for residual urine after bladder emptying as well as problems involving the scrotum, kidneys and bladder. You can visit Urology Care Foundation for more information and more detailed descriptions.
Stone Analysis
Analysis of a kidney stone is done by a lab to see what chemicals make up the stone. The analysis is done on a stone that has either passed on its own through the urine or is removed surgically. The analysis will show what kind of stone it is and will therefore guide your healthcare provider in treatment and prevention of future stones.
Urinalysis (UA)
A urinalysis is performed by taking a “clean catch” urine sample and examining it in the lab. The lab will be looking for bacteria or blood in the urine.
This testing is done to help identify specific urological problems including bladder control issues, weak stream and not fully emptying the bladder. There are several steps to the urodynamics testing. Find more information by visiting Urology Care Foundation.
There are many urological conditions that impact sexuality, intimacy and fertility including Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Premature Ejaculation (PE), Low Testosterone (Low T), Peyronie’s Disease, Vasectomy and Vasectomy Reversal.
It is important to understand that many people face these conditions or the decisions about vasectomy or vasectomy reversal. The first step is a conversation with your medical provider.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and Surgical Treatment of ED
ED is the medical term for the inability to achieve and/or maintain an erection for sexual function. There are many options for treating ED including medication and surgical intervention. Visit these resources for more information:
Urology Care Foundation
Treating Erectile Dysfunction Fact Sheet
Erectile Dysfunction – NIH
Surgical Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction Fact Sheet
Premature Ejaculation (PE)
PE affects men commonly, often between the ages of 18-59. Treatment options include psychological therapy, behavior therapy and medical therapy. Find more information at Urology Care Foundation.
Low Testosterone (Low T/Hypogonadism)
It is estimated that 30% of men over the age of 45 are affected by Low Testosterone, otherwise known as hypogonadism. Low T has several symptoms that are both sexual and non-sexual in nature. Read more by visiting these resources:
Peyronie’s Disease
This condition occurs when painful, hard plaque forms underneath the skin of the penis causing curvature. For help understanding this condition, visit Urology Care Foundation.
A vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure that interrupts the movement of sperm by blocking the vas deferentia. The decision to have a vasectomy is extremely personal. By visiting these resources you will gain information that will help you make this decision and have this conversation with your doctor.
Learn more about Vasectomy Procedure
Vasectomy Fact Sheet
Urology Care Foundation
Semen Analysis.pdf
Vasectomy Reversal
A vasectomy reversal is a surgical procedure performed in the hopes of restoring male fertility following a vasectomy. At Urology Specialists this procedure is performed by Dr. Matthew Witte. For more information on vasectomy reversal, please visit Urology Care Foundation.